All patrons shall comply with the SPSL, WIAA, and Enumclaw school district sportsmanship fan codes of conduct. If noncompliant after a verbal warning, rude behavior to include the use of foul language and other items listed below will subject the fan to ejection from the arena or field of play. Attempting to come onto the court or field or throwing of objects, from the stands or any other area of the facility is subject to ejection and/or arrest without warning. If ejected from the facility for any reason, the patron will not receive a refund and will not be readmitted.

In the spirit of sportsmanship, fans shall abide by the following ESD code of conduct:

  • Conduct themselves in a manner that represents their school, the SPSL and the WIAA with honor, dignity and respect

  • Demonstrate the qualities of civility and sportsmanship at all times

  • Not use vulgar, abusive, obscene, or discriminatory (on the basis of age, disability, ethnicity, gender identity, national origin, race, religion, sexual orientation, veteran or military status, or any other protected category) language or gestures at any time. 

  • Support the players, coaches and officials in a positive manner

  • Treat the visiting team, coaches and fans with courtesy and respect at all times

  • Not engage in cheers that are vulgar, crass or demeaning

  • Not become inebriated or belligerent

  • Refrain from entering the playing area at all times

  • Be a positive role model for those around them by treating others with courtesy and respect

Fan Code of Conduct in PDF format